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2020 AGM Motion 6: Direct Revision of Training Course Application

(Member Resolution - requires simple majority to pass)

Moved by Kathryn Miranda, Sydney Harris, Rose Bronec; Members of the Training Directors Committee

[If the previous motion fails, this motion will be withdrawn.]


Whereas, amendments to Article XI, Section 2.A. will require that the TAC Rules and Procedures pertaining to the application process for training course approval be appropriately adjusted; 

Resolved, That the Training Approval Committee revise the training course application to reflect approved amendments to Article XI: Teacher Training Courses, Section 2. Requirements for Teachers on a Training Course. Subsection A. these changes in the Bylaws, paying specific attention to the need for documentation of requirements for membership, assisting on a course, continuing education and attendance at an Annual General Meeting.

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Holly Rocke   on Monday 06/22/2020 at 06:39 PM

If the previous motion passes, this work will need to be done even in this motion fails. This motion could be read as a "make sure the work is done quickly." I am opposed to this motion as it assumes incompetence or negligence of behalf of the TAC. I am speaking as a member and not a representative of the Board.

Rose M. Bronec   on Thursday 06/25/2020 at 12:25 PM

Dear Holly,

Thank you for responding to our motion. Your comments point out what could be more clearly stated.

In this motion, the Whereas clause offers the obvious in that the TAC Rules and Procedures will need to be adjusted. The Resolved statement goes further, giving a specific instruction to the TAC when they revise the training course application, in other words, the statement asks the TAC to include documentation of the applicant's membership, assistance on a course, continuing education, and attendance at an ACGM. Continuing Education Requirements are on an honor system and do not require a member to submit documentation, whereas in Motion 5, Training Director applicants will be required to document specific CERs.

With membership approval of this motion, the TAC can move forward more efficiently. While needing to keep their Board Liaison apprised of their actions, the TAC may complete the instruction from the membership to include documentation in the revised application without seeking Board approval. This saves time and energy for all involved.

Robert’s Rules of Order encourages membership to offer instruction for those who will carry out the work necessary for an approved motion. In this way, membership understands and takes responsibility for the complexities of the action. When members simply approve a ‘good idea’, yet do not comprehend the associated work, misunderstandings develop and expectations fall flat. It serves us better to voice instruction at the time of action.

Rose Bronec for the TDC Subcommittee

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the comments shown above are those of the individual comment authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of this organization.